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Montag, 26. Juni 2006, 20:15


Originally posted by timo_bile


Original von Atma
Now, looking at your avatar, I've found another great film in my head:

American Beauty (+ wonderful music by Thomas Newman)

Really a good one. I think, I have to write a second list with those films.
There is another one, I remembered: Seven (also with Kevin Spacey)

Yes, he's a good actor. K-PAX was ok too :)
See the World in My Eyes:


Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2006, 21:57

Goth! How could I forget?!!

Brokeback Mountain was really great! Touching film, I've seen it 3 times :sch:

See the World in My Eyes:



Beiträge: 514

Wohnort: Hamburg

Beruf: stud.iur.

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Freitag, 14. Juli 2006, 18:13

ganz meine Sammlung: halt viel SF :

-Amelie (ab und an mal was Romantisches...)
-American Beauty
-Apocalypse Now
-Being John Malkovich (Wie fies!)
-Big Lebowski
-Black Hawk Down (der beste Kriegsfilm den ich kenne)
-Bourne Identität/Verschwörung (1+2)
Bowling for Columbine
-Catch me if you can
-Colour of Night
-Contact (immer wieder!)
-Dark City
Das Boot
-Das Fünfte Element
Die Feuerzangenbowle
-Die Klapperschlange - Snake Plissken
-Die Neun Pforten (immer wieder lustig)
23 - Nichts ist so, wie es scheint
-Duell - Enemy at the gates
-Dune (natürlich von Lynch - super Film-Ästhetik)
-Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest
-Eins, zwei, drei
-Enemy Mine
-Event Horizon
-Eyes Wide Shut
Fahrenheit 9/11
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Fight Club (Klassiker)
-Full Metal Jacket
-Gattaca - einer meiner Lieblingsfilme
-Herrschaft des Feuers
Herr Lehmann
-Jagd auf roter Otkober
-James Dean (best of)
Kill Bill I + II
Knocking on Heaven´s Door
-Léon der Profi
-Minority Report
-Mulholland Drive (Murks vom Lynch)
-Natural Born Killers
Pulp Fiction
-Reservoir Dogs
-Resident Evil
-Road to Perdition
-Saving Private Ryan
-Das Schwarze Loch
-Skycaptain and the World of Tomorrow
-Sleepy Hollow
-Solaris (Soderbergh)
-Sowiet die Füße tragen
Star Wars IV - VI
The Blues Brothers
The Hitchhiker´s Guide to the Galaxy
-Three Kings
- THX 1138
-Total Recall
-Twelve Monkeys
-Twenty Days after
-Uhrwerk Orange
-Wing Commander
-Zoolander (hachwiespassig) BenStillerForPresident!
-2001 : Odyssee im Weltraum
"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Evolutz« (16. Juli 2006, 19:48)


Freitag, 14. Juli 2006, 18:50

My favorite movies are: (alphabetic order)

> Beetlejuice
> Big Fish
> Bowling For Columbine
> Braveheart
> Bruce Allmighty
> Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
> Chocolat
> Der Wixxer
> Ed Wood
> Edward Scissorhands
> Fahrenheit 9/11
> Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
> From Hell
> Leathal Weapon 1 - 4
> Life Of Brian
> Mad Max 1 - 3
> Monty Python And The Holy Grail
> Nightmare Before Christmas
> Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl
> Secret Window
> Sleepy Hollow
> Stephen King's 'Rose Red'
> Stephen King's 'Riding The Bullet'
> Stephen King's 'Stark - The Dark Half'
> The Corspe Bride
> The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
> The Ninth Gate
> The Others
> What's Eating Gilbert Grape


Freitag, 14. Juli 2006, 19:54


Original von Evolutz
-American Beauty
-Bourne Identität/Verschwörung (1+2)
-Contact (immer wieder!)
-Das Fünfte Element
-Die Neun Pforten (immer wieder lustig)
-Duell - Enemy at the gates
-Dune (natürlich von Lynch - super Film-Ästhetik)
-Enemy Mine
-Jagd auf roter Otkober
-Road to Perdition
-Saving Private Ryan
-Starship Troopers
-Twelve Monkeys
-2001 : Odyssee im Weltraum

Den oben genannten kann ich mich auch anschließen - alles sehr gute Filme. Die kann ich noch in meine Favoritenliste übernehmen. Deine anderen genannten habe ich entweder noch immer nicht gesehen (z. B. Clockwork Orange :sch: ) oder waren nicht so ganz mein Geschmack (z. B. Timemachine).


Freitag, 14. Juli 2006, 19:57


Original von Marishka
My favorite movies are: (alphabetic order)

> Der Wixxer :perfekt: :perfekt: :perfekt:
> From Hell
> Life Of Brian
> Nightmare Before Christmas
> Sleepy Hollow

Very good movies!


Original von Marishka
> The Corspe Bride

I will see it this evening for the first time... :sch:


Freitag, 14. Juli 2006, 20:24


Original von timo_bile


Original von Marishka
> The Corspe Bride

I will see it this evening for the first time... :sch:

It's a great one. For sure... It's a Tim Burton :tongue: :perfekt: ;)


Freitag, 14. Juli 2006, 20:57

Nobody likes "Brokeback Mountain"...? ?(
See the World in My Eyes:


Freitag, 14. Juli 2006, 21:04

X -Men 1-3 ( good Story )

Meet the Feebles
Bad Taste

storm @ myspace

"bin dann mal weg..Glückliche Paare im Park vergiften! "


Freitag, 14. Juli 2006, 21:06


Original von Atma
Nobody likes "Brokeback Mountain"...? ?(

Haven't seen that one yet. I guess I have to make up leeway. ;)


Freitag, 14. Juli 2006, 21:08


Original von storm
Meet the Feebles

You don't really mean that!? Don't you? 8o


Freitag, 14. Juli 2006, 21:09


Original von Marishka


Original von storm
Meet the Feebles

You don't really mean that!? Don't you? 8o

Die sind voll lustig.. :-]

storm @ myspace

"bin dann mal weg..Glückliche Paare im Park vergiften! "


Freitag, 14. Juli 2006, 21:14


Original von storm


Original von Marishka


Original von storm
Meet the Feebles

You don't really mean that!? Don't you? 8o

Die sind voll lustig.. :-]

'Meet The Feebles' find ich ekelig und 'Braindead' doof.
Irgendwie kann ich den beiden Filmen nix abgewinnen...

imo 'Meet The Feebles' is disgusting and 'Braindead' stupid.
I just can't acquire a taste for them both...


Samstag, 15. Juli 2006, 07:47


Original von Marishka


Original von timo_bile


Original von Marishka
> The Corspe Bride

I will see it this evening for the first time... :sch:

It's a great one. For sure... It's a Tim Burton :tongue: :perfekt: ;)

Yes! Tim Burton with a wonderful film again... :perfekt:


Samstag, 15. Juli 2006, 07:53


Original von Atma
Nobody likes "Brokeback Mountain"...? ?(

Haven´t seen it, yet. I have not been in the right mood for a film with gay cowboys. I am in any event no fan of cowboy-films - exept 'Once Upon a Time in the West - Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod'. :-]


Samstag, 15. Juli 2006, 10:57


Originally posted by timo_bile


Original von Atma
Nobody likes "Brokeback Mountain"...? ?(

Haven´t seen it, yet. I have not been in the right mood for a film with gay cowboys. I am in any event no fan of cowboy-films - exept 'Once Upon a Time in the West - Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod'. :-]

I find it quite sad when ppl conclude the movie as "gay cowboy" one (...) without seeing it. The fact that they are cowboys is needed just to break the american stereotype of a tougher... that makes the movie stronger in its content. The story shows a disgusting hypocrisy that ppl live in. And in the name of the hypocrisy they become the worst monsters for eachother...
I really recommend it. It's worth to see.

(It's not Western for pit' sake... :rolleyes: I don't like the movies myself)

PS. I think all homophobic ppl should see the film. Maybe they would be able to look at gay ppl in a different way.

See the World in My Eyes:


Samstag, 15. Juli 2006, 12:44


Originally posted by timo_bile


Original von Marishka


Original von timo_bile


Original von Marishka
> The Corspe Bride

I will see it this evening for the first time... :sch:

It's a great one. For sure... It's a Tim Burton :tongue: :perfekt: ;)

Yes! Tim Burton with a wonderful film again... :perfekt:

I dunno. I actually didn't think it was that great. I mean, it wasn't bad. It just seemed a rehash/variation on Nightmare... The story was ok, but didn't really grab me.

I <3 Tim Burton tho.

Everyone says this shoe I made reminds them of Corpse Bride/Burton.. I wasn't specifically trying to make a Burtonesque shoe.. but I guess it's just ingrained in my brain :)

large view
side view
more here



Beiträge: 514

Wohnort: Hamburg

Beruf: stud.iur.

  • Nachricht senden


Samstag, 15. Juli 2006, 18:24

@Atma : I haven´t seen brokeback mountain (I guess I would like the film though
I know the story) surprised?

@Marishka : DEPP-Fan? verständlich...

@timo : timemachine is ridicolous but I really like some scenes : "the moon is breaking up!"

@storm : X-Men - sehr schön! (Jedenfalls besser als z.B. Spiderman, Batman etc.)
"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Evolutz« (15. Juli 2006, 18:33)


Samstag, 15. Juli 2006, 18:30


Originally posted by Evolutz
@Atma : I haven´t seen brokeback mountain (I guess I would like the film though
I know the story) surprised?

No, I'm not surprised, why should I be...? It's really good one, and most ppl who saw the movie said it's worth it :)
See the World in My Eyes:


Samstag, 15. Juli 2006, 18:39


Original von Atma
I find it quite sad when ppl conclude the movie as "gay cowboy" one (...) without seeing it. The fact that they are cowboys is needed just to break the american stereotype of a tougher... that makes the movie stronger in its content. The story shows a disgusting hypocrisy that ppl live in. And in the name of the hypocrisy they become the worst monsters for eachother...
I really recommend it. It's worth to see.

(It's not Western for pit' sake... :rolleyes: I don't like the movies myself)

PS. I think all homophobic ppl should see the film. Maybe they would be able to look at gay ppl in a different way.

Don´t get me wrong, I believe that this is a good movie and I don't want to name it as "the one with the gay-cowboys". But I have to be in the right mood for watching such a film. This is not mainstream, so you cannot watch it while you´re eating, reading, phoning or something like that.

Btw. I am able to look homosexual people in a different way - I have some in my circle of friends. ;)

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