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Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2007, 11:27

world wide campaign against climate change

1. German version
2. English version
3. French version

Please repost!

Weltweite Aktion zum Klimawandel

Alles Ausschalten
am 1. Februar 07 von 19h55 bis 20h00

Am 1. Feb 2007: nehmen Sie an der weltweit größten
Bewegung gegen den Klimawechsel teil!!!

Verschiedene Naturschutz-Organisationen senden eine Aufforderung an alle Bewohner unseres Planeten, die 5 "Schweigeminuten": jeder soll Licht, Strom und sonstiges ausschalten, zwischen 19h55 und 20h00. Fünf Minuten, nicht nur um Energie zu sparen, sondern besonders, um die Bevölkerung, die Medien und Politiker auf dietägliche Energieverschwendung aufmerksam zu machen.
Ein Akt, der nur 5 Minuten dauert, der nichts kostet, der aber der Regierung zeigt, dass die Klimakatastrophe ein schwerwiegendes Thema der Weltpolitik sein sollte.

Warum dieses Datum? : Am ersten Februar veröffentlicht die UNO die neuesten Erkenntnisse zum Thema Klimawechsel!



Turn everything off
On February 1st between 7:45 p.m. until 8 p.m.
Five minutes, not to save energy, but to set a mark!

Urgent: action against climate change

On February 1st you can participate in the worldwide greatest action against climate change!!!

Various environmental organizations are asking the peoples of this planet to hold 5 minutes of silence: Everyone should turn off all lights, electricity etc. between 7:45 until 8 p.m. to bring attention to other inhabitants, the media and politicians about the daily waste of energy.
An act which takes only 5 minutes, which cost nothing, but shows the governments that climate change should be on the top agenda of world politics.

Why this date?
On February 1st the United Nations is publicizing the newest results and knowledge base on climate change.

SO...TURN OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Faites passer.

On éteint tout
le 1er février de 19h55 à 20h00

Urgent : Action contre le changement climatique Le 1er février 2007:
Participez à la plus grande mobilisation des citoyens contre le Changement climatique !
L'Alliance pour la Planète (groupement d'associations environnementales) lance un appel simple à tous les citoyens, 5 minutes de répit pour la planète : tout le monde éteint ses veilles et lumières le 1er février 2007 entre 19h55 et 20h00. Il ne s'agit pas d'économiser 5 minutes d'électricité uniquement ce jour-là, mais d'attirer l'attention des citoyens, des médias et des décideurs sur le gaspillage d'énergie et l'urgence de passer à l'action ! 5 minutes de répit pour la planète : ça ne prend pas longtemps, ça ne coûte rien, et ça montrera aux candidats aux élections législatives de juin 2007 que le changement climatique est un sujet qui doit peser dans le débat politique.

Pourquoi le 1er février ? Ce jour là sortira, à Paris, le nouveau rapport du groupe d'experts climatiques des Nations unies. Il ne faut pas laisser passer cette occasion de braquer les projecteurs* sur l'urgence de la situation climatique mondiale.

* Est-ce vraiment le meilleur terme ? (CVE)



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Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2007, 12:38

RE: world wide campaign against climate change

A very nice thought. But since I worked in the energy industry I shudder to think what might happen if it actually has some impact... not all systems are set up to take such a heavy load that this will put on the systems.

If you do participate in this, please turn things on gradually - not everything at once! I'll at least participate in a way - I'll have everything turned off at home all day ;)



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Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2007, 14:56

I'm on board! :perfekt:

I will also ask friends/family to participate.
All you got is this moment
Twenty-first century's yesterday
You can care all you want


Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2007, 18:38

YESSS! :perfekt:

I will inform all of my friends and keep my fingers crossed, that this will help!

But unfortunately, as George Bush ignores the Kyoto-Protocol, it will be difficult to change the world´s behaviour as soon as it is necessary...


Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2007, 23:01


Originally posted by timo_bile
YESSS! :perfekt:

I will inform all of my friends and keep my fingers crossed, that this will help!

But unfortunately, as George Bush ignores the Kyoto-Protocol, it will be difficult to change the world´s behaviour as soon as it is necessary...

I am no fan of Bush and, like you, am unhappy and frustrated that he continues to ignore the Protocol.

Having said that, I think it's important to point out that Clinton never even submitted it to the Senate to be ratified to begin with. Gore's signing it was a token gesture- in fact, emissions *rose* during the Clinton Administration. Clinton's economic analysis came to the same conclusion as Bush's- it is not in the US's best economic interest to support Kyoto, and that more attention needed to be paid to emissions from China and India.

It always strikes me as absurd whenever I see or read Clinton rail against Bush for not supporting the Protocol- he did the same exact thing, and for the same reasons!

I don't know nearly as much about the Kyoto Protocol as I would like, but I do think it's important to have a proper context for criticism.

Just playing devil's advocate. :)


Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2007, 20:05

F*** too late.. :rolleyes:

storm @ myspace

"bin dann mal weg..Glückliche Paare im Park vergiften! "


Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2007, 20:23


Original von ilex011

It always strikes me as absurd whenever I see or read Clinton rail against Bush for not supporting the Protocol- he did the same exact thing, and for the same reasons!

The behaviour of several politicians worldwide make me sick! The problem is the industry with their money. They prefer to spend this money into politicians to neglect the Kyoto Protocol than to spend it for research in new technologies for energie recovery. F*** off!


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Freitag, 2. Februar 2007, 07:17

As important as the Kyoto Protocol is, it's only a very small step which is just better than nothing but in fact mankind should make braver moves to really have effect on the global climate. We are all - worldwide! - heading for serious problems concerning global climate and global warming. Just think about the increased number of natural desasters over the last years which were caused directl or indirectly by the climate. And that#s just one side of the problem, the slow-going changes will change our lives even more in the long run.



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Freitag, 2. Februar 2007, 10:17


Originally posted by Niggels
As important as the Kyoto Protocol is, it's only a very small step which is just better than nothing but in fact mankind should make braver moves to really have effect on the global climate. We are all - worldwide! - heading for serious problems concerning global climate and global warming. Just think about the increased number of natural desasters over the last years which were caused directl or indirectly by the climate. And that#s just one side of the problem, the slow-going changes will change our lives even more in the long run.

I agree with your sentiment. There are ways we can better the situation without waiting on the politics to kick in. Small steps on a global scale do make a difference too, but it is lifestyles that must change.

Precisely why I do not own a car and use primarily EnergyStar appliances. Whenever I can afford to I invest in eco-friendly products. I also encourage those around me to be aware of the daily waste associated with energy consumption and plastics. I am no saint but I also have no doubt that if we abuse the planet, it will shut our species down.

Of course, even these small things and ideas come with the "hippie treehugger" label, which is ridiculous and shows how little people value such a lifestyle. I speak for myself when I say it is disparaging to live daily life in such an energy-happy country with those who find bliss in ignorance on this matter. Global warming is a myth for far too many. Mindsets are the hardest things to change.
All you got is this moment
Twenty-first century's yesterday
You can care all you want


Freitag, 2. Februar 2007, 20:44


Originally posted by Niggels
As important as the Kyoto Protocol is, it's only a very small step which is just better than nothing but in fact mankind should make braver moves to really have effect on the global climate. We are all - worldwide! - heading for serious problems concerning global climate and global warming. Just think about the increased number of natural desasters over the last years which were caused directl or indirectly by the climate. And that#s just one side of the problem, the slow-going changes will change our lives even more in the long run.

I agree with you.


Freitag, 2. Februar 2007, 20:50


Originally posted by lushmachine I speak for myself when I say it is disparaging to live daily life in such an energy-happy country with those who find bliss in ignorance on this matter. Global warming is a myth for far too many. Mindsets are the hardest things to change.

True. On the upside though, even though politicians aren't truly interested in any semblance of real change (as it appears anyway), many cities are enacting laws of their own volition, being the federal government isn't adept in these matters... so that's a little encouraging at least.


Samstag, 3. Februar 2007, 16:54


Original von ilex011
It always strikes me as absurd whenever I see or read Clinton rail against Bush for not supporting the Protocol- he did the same exact thing, and for the same reasons!

interesting, wasn't aware of that. Has anyone seen the Al Gore Movie? I have no't... maybe now would be the right time for a re-run in cinemas.

I'm afraid to get most people apart from the understanding and idealistic ones to change their behaviour and save ressources, it only works through incentives - and that is money. For example choosing devices with less power consumption to lower the electricity bill.
And the industry will only follow the demand. If people still like to move on streets with a tank disguised as an upper class car, the car industry will focus on smarter steering systems for a tank rather than pushing plans for a lightweight car with a less gas consuming engine.

I always shudder to think that there are nations like China that are likely to repeat the mistakes of western industrialisation in less time with many more people :!:


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Samstag, 3. Februar 2007, 17:32


Original von lushmachine
Precisely why I do not own a car and use primarily EnergyStar appliances. Whenever I can afford to I invest in eco-friendly products. I also encourage those around me to be aware of the daily waste associated with energy consumption and plastics. I am no saint but I also have no doubt that if we abuse the planet, it will shut our species down.

Same here. I never owned a car, seems to be a waste of money to me anyway. But I think I could do more regarding saving energy, though.

And I haven't seen the Al Gore movie yet! :(


Sonntag, 4. Februar 2007, 01:20


Originally posted by subetha
I'm afraid to get most people apart from the understanding and idealistic ones to change their behaviour and save ressources, it only works through incentives - and that is money. For example choosing devices with less power consumption to lower the electricity bill.
And the industry will only follow the demand. If people still like to move on streets with a tank disguised as an upper class car, the car industry will focus on smarter steering systems for a tank rather than pushing plans for a lightweight car with a less gas consuming engine.

I always shudder to think that there are nations like China that are likely to repeat the mistakes of western industrialisation in less time with many more people :!:

I agree with you here, completely. Don't even get me started on SUVs! :schimpf:

It would certainly appear that money is the main incentive.

Most people seem to require immediate tangible or visible results from their decisions- an instant-gratification-based hazard of living in a hyperconsumerist society built on convenience, I suppose. Among other things. And not that convenience is in of itself a bad thing.

Therefore it's difficult to convince people to look at the larger picture- to convince them there's a big, wide, world outside of their own little lives; and that their actions have consequences that build up over time, affecting others in a very real way. :mauer:

The whole deal with emissions from China and India, quite frankly, worries me greatly. I keep hoping I'll read something that will convince me I'm being hyperbolic and paranoid in my thinking but so far, no dice.

Having said that, I *do* think Kyoto desperately needs to be modified to take that into account. But still that isn't a reason to not support it. If anything, maybe if the US would get on board with it then other nations would take our government's concerns about it seriously. Or more seriously at least. Or maybe not. But god knows we need the diplomacy lately so it's worth a shot...

*I haven't seen the Gore film yet. I tend to take things like that with the proverbial grain of salt, mainly because most of the time the message is either lost due to sheer demagoguery, or is a result of pseudo-science to begin with. So no, I'm not pre-judging it, I'm just... hesistant.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (4. Februar 2007, 02:44)

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