My friend Ian, sent me the warning... maybe it's worth to read (tho, nothing like that happened to me so far, but I had some strange invitations from strange groups... I don't even click on that - all end up delated).
So..., just in case:
"I've been seeing a lot of bulletins supposedly posted by my friends that I KNOW my friends wouldn't send....including bulletins I would never post as well. IF YOU SEE a bulletin from a friend that says "Check out this link" or "Look at this video", "I GOT A FREE RINGTONE", "HOT & SEXY TATTOOS," "Check out this Girls Pics," anything like that... BE CAREFUL.
Your friend might not have sent it. If you click on the link in the bulletin and a page comes up that looks like the MySpace login screen. Don't assume that "Oh crap.. I guess I have to log in again". Look up at the address in the address field at the top of your browser (you know.. where you type them in).
If it does not say or then DO NOT put in your email login and password. So- a hacker has mirrored the MySpace login page by duplicating it in every detail... then he/she hosts it on a fake server somewhere... maybe at home... or stealing space from one somewhere else.
When you enter in your login and password again.. it is being saved straight to the hacker's database or server. All they have to do is get a few real users (your friends) info... and then it starts a chain reaction.
Many of you use your same email and password info on other sites.. maybe even for online banking.... if you think you have accidentally logged into one of the fake MySpace pages... go change your password everywhere you use it...! Important stuff.
I just changed by password, it's easy to do, just go to account settings then "change password."I'd repost this, because what your friends don't know may affect you."