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Freitag, 21. Februar 2025, 16:26 UTC+1

  • »Invizibleangel« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 23

Beruf: student, waitress, & administrative assistant

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Dienstag, 13. Januar 2004, 06:59

Northern Light 12"

I've been going insane trying to find a copy of this. Most American stores and internet sites don't even know it exists. If anyone has or knows a place or someone who has a copy of the Northern Light 12" I'd be very intersted in buying a copy. Life just isn't complete without it!


Dienstag, 13. Januar 2004, 09:00

RE: Northern Light 12"

try out
perhaps they have and as far as I know they ship worldwide.


Dienstag, 13. Januar 2004, 10:56

RE: Northern Light 12"

The Swedish mailorder company Hot Stuff has a few copies.

  • »Invizibleangel« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 23

Beruf: student, waitress, & administrative assistant

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Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2004, 20:28

Thanks. I would have saved a lot of time if I had just asked here first.


Dienstag, 27. Januar 2004, 04:34

RE: Northern Light 12"

hey, sorry for being off topic but i always wanted to ask you... were you influenced by the writer carlos castaneda in writing the lyrics to stalker?

  • »Invizibleangel« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 23

Beruf: student, waitress, & administrative assistant

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Montag, 16. Februar 2004, 03:41

This Swedish mail order place that Joakim recommended has been dreadful.
I picked them over the one the other person recommended so I could combine my order and save on the shipping (I found some stuff they had that the other place didn't have). They have not contacted me. They have not answered my email. I ordered from them twice and no one even acknowledged that they got my order, after I emailed them. I know it takes a while to ship, and it does say they will contact you, but I don't even know if I am guaranteed what I ordered. If they don't have the items I want, I'd rather get them from someone else before I cannot buy what I want anymore.
All I want is for someone to email me and tell me that the order is there, and they have the stuff I want, and it's going to me. Perhaps there was a technical glitch, but after this long, i would expect to hear something.

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