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Suchergebnisse 1-20 von insgesamt 251.

Freitag, 5. September 2008, 08:05

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

Geographically Challenged Association

So nice to see photos from so many events! I can't wait to attend a show Covenant show to hear the new dynamic of Daniel. Thanks to everyone for photos and stories!

Freitag, 5. September 2008, 07:56

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

What are you momentary listening to?

Kerli - love is dead Benny Benassi - Who's Your Daddy? My Digital Enemy - Sordid You

Sonntag, 11. Mai 2008, 23:58

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

What are you momentary listening to?

Acid Horse - No Name, No Slogan Depeche Mode - John the Revelator Above & Beyond - Can't Sleep (Ian Carey Vocal Dub)

Samstag, 22. März 2008, 04:53

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

Geographically Challenged Association

I had plans to post photos of Seabound playing last night but as I have been career-obssessed in the last half year, I ended up staying at the office late.

Freitag, 7. Dezember 2007, 22:03

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

Burning Question

It's been a while, but here's a little something about what types of absinthe are legal in the states. Ah, the things I do on a day off ...

Montag, 3. Dezember 2007, 15:02

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

currently playing

Zitat Originally posted by ilex011 Cheerfully abusing The Prince of Persia... (Sands of Time) Beware the glitchy badness! Save separate files whenever possible. And good luck! My fave was the after that one. I've been using Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition as stress therapy some evening. It's all about the headshots. :-]

Montag, 3. Dezember 2007, 14:58

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

More room for gossip!

Zitat Originally posted by ilex011 Hope all is well with you up there! Like I said, I did notice your absence quite some time ago but thought you'd emerge again when you were good and ready to. I like to give people their space... but had it been *three* months without a word, *then* I would have come bothered you! Good to know, thanks! I've missed our chats, too. The new job has consumed my life so deeply that it's almost scary. One of the nicest things is that my co-workers are great and I've...

Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2007, 23:12

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

More room for gossip!

Zitat Originally posted by ilex011 There she is!! I was starting to wonder, but didn't want to intrude... Aww, yeah, I've been offline for almost two months. Thought I'd peek my head in and see how everyone was doing and if there was any news on the trio (or, well, quartet now) but pretty much all new posts were about other bands ... Weekends come by and I've been pulled out in a million directions. Hopefully I'll be home more during the winter months so I can be on the forum more often. Also g...

Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2007, 22:12

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

More room for gossip!

Zitat Originally posted by LePand Max, big fan of Covenant. Wow, I still remember getting excited when a new episode was about to air ...

Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2007, 22:05

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

Amphi Festival 2008

Uh, I think I need to consult ilex and see if this could work out as a travel buddy trip. Definitely enough advance notice to my office, that's for sure. Besides, the last Haujobb show evar is enough for me to take unpaid vacation for it. :perfekt:

Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2007, 21:56

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

what makes this life worth living?

Knowing that whatever may come my way, I have the love of amazing friends in my life that will fight for me, cry and bleed with me, and remind me that tomorrow is worth fighting for. Also, I love my senses and feel blessed by sight, smell, taste, touch, intuition ... like my favorite music in my ears and vibrating through my flesh. The feeling of flowers in a field gently moving in the wind against my skin. The ability to smell differences between bodies of water.

Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2007, 21:44

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

Geographically Challenged Association

Wow, a few of us in the GCA were lucky enough to be among the first to get In Transit! I feel so lucky that not only it came so quickly but it arrived during the calmest weekend I've had in over a month.

Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2007, 21:39

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

RE: Covenant @ Elektrostat Festival in Oslo

Oh my, I was in talks to potentially DJ at this festival, which would have been awesome. I hope everyone who attends will have a wonderful time! In the end I cannot attend at all due to a new job that does not allow me to travel to Norway until December.

Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2007, 21:30

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

DVD "In Transit" (eng.)

Zitat Originally posted by Joakim :perfekt: Perhaps we should start a "dubious cuisine - not for the faint of heart!"-thread somewhere else? I'd have some stories there, too, but somehow brains and czarnina seem tame compared to deep fried testicles.

Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2007, 05:52

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

RE: finished watching in transit

Zitat Originally posted by ilex011 Will need a little more time to process my impressions, but I can say that I enjoyed it very much. Very well edited, well-shot, and I loved how candid it was. *applause!* :perfekt: :perfekt: :perfekt: I just finished watching In Transit too because somehow, I didn't even know that my UPS guy at work thinks I'm "totally freakin' awesome" and grabbed it for me at the central station when he recognized my name, which I spell for him every day. Oddly enough, my co...

Freitag, 12. Oktober 2007, 05:47

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

DVD "In Transit" (eng.)

Zitat Originally posted by michelem31 Oooh. Must go. Now. Thanks! You're welcome. :perfekt: And looks like I have to wait until Monday now that it's going to my office. I sure hope they take it to the right suite. Gah! *crosses fingers*

Freitag, 12. Oktober 2007, 05:05

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

What are you momentary listening to?

Zitat Originally posted by michelem31 Dave Gahan - Kingdom (On repeat for the past hour. Mmmmmm....) Oh, yes! Tiesto - In the Dark Accessory - I Say Go Shnarph - Er

Freitag, 12. Oktober 2007, 05:03

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

DVD "In Transit" (eng.)

Zitat Originally posted by michelem31 Dude? What did you have to do to get it early? (Which reminds me, I should decide how I want to get my copy of the Euro version.) I'm not sure but Metropolis said they ship stuff out early on all pre-orders that are available before the release date. Hopefully UPS will ship it to my office so I can actually watch it this weekend. I ordered the box set from Indiedetective a few weeks ago. It was very easy because they take PayPal.

Freitag, 12. Oktober 2007, 04:55

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

DVD "In Transit" (eng.)

Found a note on my door for an attempt (by UPS) to deliver my copy of In Transit this afternoon. Yay! Edit: oops. typos.

Freitag, 12. Oktober 2007, 04:53

Forenbeitrag von: »lushmachine«

Happy Birthday...

Also, belated best wishes to Black_Cat!