Originally posted by subetha
for the ones who would like to go clubbing after the Amphi-Cup on friday, I can suggest two parties in Cologne:
Crackin' Up @ Tsunami: fairly small indie club in a basement, indie guitars/"light" electropop/new wave, drinks at reasonable prices
Dark Genesis @ Essigfabrik: large club with two floors (Electro / Non-Electro), with a gig of Necessary Response that night. I know the location, but not that party, so I don't know the prices, but I would bet it's more expensive than in Tsunami
Benutzerinformationen überspringen
Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina
Original von ilex011
....sounds like a night I had in Prague in 1991, actually... hm... Panda, when you get to Prague, look for a club called the Bunkr, ok? Just trust me on this.
Original von ilex011
Hey, where is Tsunami located in reference to Amphi?
Benutzerinformationen überspringen
Wohnort: República Separatista de Haedo Roberto Ruiz 1706 Buenos Aires Argentina
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Claudia« (23. Juli 2008, 12:14)