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Montag, 12. Mai 2008, 04:58

Epsilon Eridani


From Juan Pablo Valle better known as Epsilon Eridani: Is it possible that men is living on another planet for a long time ago? Have you ever thought what's true or not about the space projects? If you haven't, this is your chance, Play it and have a nice trip.

This new release showed up at, thought I would link it here. Only listening to the beginning of the first track, but it is very beautiful. Music to play in the dark. Not far from the sound of Hecq's Night Falls.


Dienstag, 13. Mai 2008, 08:55

RE: Epsilon Eridani


Originally posted by Vorbedacht


From Juan Pablo Valle better known as Epsilon Eridani: Is it possible that men is living on another planet for a long time ago? Have you ever thought what's true or not about the space projects? If you haven't, this is your chance, Play it and have a nice trip.

This new release showed up at, thought I would link it here. Only listening to the beginning of the first track, but it is very beautiful. Music to play in the dark. Not far from the sound of Hecq's Night Falls.

"Music to play in the dark."

HEY you took that from.... oh, just kidding. Though you totally did. ;)

And yes, Juan, I have thought extensively about what is true and what is not about many things, including the space projects, so I do hope there's at least a *little* bit of the proverbial tongue in cheek there. Having said that, my download just finished... uhhm... downloading... so let's check this out, mmm?

Alright, first thing I noticed is that more than the dark, it's music for headphones so I am going to get mine.

*now listening to track one, beta pictoris*

1) I need better headphones. This is gorgeous stuff. I can only imagine how much better it would be with better headphones.

2) It has such a definitive texture. I feel and sense things in terms of texture. So this feels to me like walking on heavily packed snow with snowshoes with flakes swirling all around, at night. Heavy on bottom, light at the top.

3) And right after I type that, at 5:36 , it changes into one big echo. Nice.

*now listening to upsilon andromedea*

OK, this better be good because I get ticked off when space and physics etc are tossed around without understanding any of the background behind them. Call it a pet peeve. Especially if it has "neuro" in the title.

Neurobashing, Tactical Neural Implant, anything Geir Jenssen has ever done or even thought of doing= good.

Neuro Pop= bad, bad, bad.

But hey, I'm biased.

So far, track 2 is really beautiful. I'm listening in real-time as I write this. Blame it on my flu medicine.

*There isn't *so* much going on in this piece- it isn't particularly complex, but what he does with it is really nice. There aren't many layers, but it seems he's focusing on the transition of what layers there are and the manipulation of them. Texture reminds me of an extremely thick, slow cataract. And wait- that's it?!?? Too short!! Needs to be much, much longer. It engages you, then suddenly fades out. Minus points for that. He didn't do it in a way that leaves you wanting more- it's too abrupt. But it isn't abrupt deliberately in an artistic way, like Coleclough's 60 Billion Years in One Hour (or whatever the proper name of it is- I have it so I should know but oh well, too lazy to go look). It ends in a way that feels like he couldn't figure out how to end it.

That's ok, Juan. We've all been there, and the track is good enough to overlook this transgression. Though I would have made it about 30 seconds longer at the end.

Let's now see about the third track, I Remember How We Recorded the Moon Landing Hoax in an Enormous Cave.

Hm. Let's start off by stating I again reveal my bias because I hate conspiracy theories. So I hope it's tongue in cheek. Or something. But on to the music...

Texture is of windblown, arid landscape devoid of anything but dust and rock, and alien noises not indigenous to there. Is something approaching, or is something calling? Or both? The calling stops, and we're getting closer to the source (~4:20).
Among this there is a slowed-down rumbling and it's really eerie. The pinging callings have started again but in a different key.

But what/whom is doing the calling, and what/whom is doing the answering?

This last track is really creeping me out and I'm totally impressed by that.

Almost to the end, let's see how he wraps it up... this could make it or break it...

Eh, the end was ok. I would have drawn it out longer with almost minute slowing down of the main drone and a barely audible ping or two. And I mean *barely* audible.

But yes, this was fantastic. Don't know if I'd put it up there with the satori of Lull's Cold Summer or Mortesium's Dream State, but it's far better than most indie drone.

I'd give it, on the Ilex Intuitive Scale, an 8/10. Cold Summer being a 10, Jonathan Coleclough's "Cake" being a 10, and Dream State being a 9.

And me and my delirious flu-bedraggled, medicine-babbling self thanks you in advance for your forgiveness in my loquaciousness regarding this post.

Oh, and you can also blame Vor for luring me into it, with his Coil and Hecq references. :D

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 7 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (13. Mai 2008, 09:08)


Dienstag, 13. Mai 2008, 14:39

I did not know it would be so short! But I literally posted this while listening to the first minutes of the first track. It left an impression.

By the way, it isn't a Coil reference if I spell it as music as opposed to "musick"!


(yes I know that is completely arbitrary and asinine!)


Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008, 03:15


Originally posted by Vorbedacht
I did not know it would be so short! But I literally posted this while listening to the first minutes of the first track. It left an impression.

Yes, it did.


By the way, it isn't a Coil reference if I spell it as music as opposed to "musick"!


Yes, it is.


(yes I know that is completely arbitrary and asinine!)

Yes, it is.


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