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Freitag, 7. Juni 2024, 01:07 UTC+2


Sonntag, 6. Juli 2008, 18:02


Check out SYSTEMVIRUS, a 2-man-EBM-band.
They released their first CD in 2006, which was sold out in less than one year!
They currently working on their third Album coming up at the end of 2008.


Sonntag, 6. Juli 2008, 20:04

What makes them different?


Montag, 7. Juli 2008, 04:44


Originally posted by Vorbedacht
What makes them different?

here we go!

*pops some popcorn*


Montag, 7. Juli 2008, 17:03

I'd like an EBM band that bakes cupcakes for summer solstice or one that is there for you in the morning baking breakfast after a bad night, ya know? Terror doesn't do much for one's appetite.


Dienstag, 8. Juli 2008, 00:18


Original von Vorbedacht
What makes them different?

- their version of EBM is apparently lacking vocals.
- they claim to have signed to a major label
- but you don't find their releases at amazon

that's at least what I've found out with a few clicks on two websites.


Dienstag, 8. Juli 2008, 05:55

What they have on MySpace isn't that bad, actually, it's ok even if it is rather generic and simple. They need to up their game in the skillz department. Test Department, heh. This track is really thin. I'm neutral negative. It's just ok. I know a lot of people who could easily have done this music in their spare time.

Not trying to be mean or cruel, but if you put something out there that you consider to be finished and you're trying to market it, you better make damn sure it's just as good as the work of the people you look up to, or be prepared for constructive criticism.

Good lord, some EBM could really use less vocals... X( )

*I don't like reading misspellings on band websites or myspaces. Not professional, and I probably won't take you seriously as a result.

*What major label? Where? I see no linkage.

*Not at Amazon? Hm. Methinks you fib a little, Systemvirus.

*Don't talk so much about how your fans love you. Let your music do the talking. If it's good, fans will come and you won't have to say a thing. Talking so much about your fans and fan demands tell me as a first-time listener that you are into it for the ego and not for the art of music. That turns me off immediately.

*I also, though not as humorously voraciously as Vor, dislike it when bands come here just to pimp their own music without contributing anything to the forum. We're a happy, close-knit community here. Just like the Borg, but without the groupmind, heh.

And the cool cybernetic implants, unfortunately.

Hey, it's 2008- where the hell is my cybernetic implant?

And where are my T Error cupcakes, systemvirus? I had a bad night last night...

I prefer lemon or strawberry or vanilla. Not chocolate so much.

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