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Freitag, 7. März 2025, 03:11 UTC+1


Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2008, 16:26

Covenant in Finland

On March 1, 2008 Covenant will perform at Nosturi in Helsinki/Finland.

Thanks to Kai for the info!


Montag, 3. März 2008, 16:52

RE: Covenant in Finland

Hello there!
Finally I had chance to see Covenant live! And what a beautiful night it was. I hope they
feld how missed and most welcome they were/are here in Finland!!

If someone knows what the setlist was, please tell me, I was rocking like a moose in front row
(old lady with white shirt and black tie :sch::lol: ) and just can`t remember!

What I do remember is that we got a treat, a new song! Sounded very good, can`t wait to hear more!

At one point Daniel was toying with his laptop making these motor sounds and Eskil said in perfect finnish " Danielilla on oma moottorisaha" (= Daniel has a chain saw) I wonder how they came up with that?! :tongue:

Oh, I so hope that they come back soon! Daniel with his drums and sharp suit , Joakim and his
beautiful eyes and Eskil, just one word: härlig!


(Sorry for my bad english!)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »azurblau« (3. März 2008, 16:53)


Dienstag, 4. März 2008, 10:02

RE: Covenant in Finland


Originally posted by azurblau
Hello there!
Finally I had chance to see Covenant live! And what a beautiful night it was. I hope they
feld how missed and most welcome they were/are here in Finland!!

If someone knows what the setlist was, please tell me, I was rocking like a moose in front row
(old lady with white shirt and black tie :sch::lol: ) and just can`t remember!

What I do remember is that we got a treat, a new song! Sounded very good, can`t wait to hear more!

At one point Daniel was toying with his laptop making these motor sounds and Eskil said in perfect finnish " Danielilla on oma moottorisaha" (= Daniel has a chain saw) I wonder how they came up with that?! :tongue:

Oh, I so hope that they come back soon! Daniel with his drums and sharp suit , Joakim and his
beautiful eyes and Eskil, just one word: härlig!


(Sorry for my bad english!)

:) Thank you for your nice words. We had a blast in Helsinki. Very nice evening!

The chainsaw thing came up when Eskil googled useful phrases in Finnish and found this:

"Laita moottorisaha sivulle, en halua sinulle mitään pahaa!"

(it means something like: "put down the chainsaw, I mean you no harm")

Hilarious! :tongue:

Oh, and I asked the driver who picked me up at the airport if he had a chainsaw. He said: "I don't have one but my dad has 4 of them". I wonder, what do you do with 4 chainsaws? How many trees can you possibly cut down at any given moment? Maybe they cut down different kinds of trees? Or if you run out of gas you can keep cutting trees with another chainsaw? How can there be so many trees left in Finland when everybody has excessive amounts of cutting tools?

All those mysteries that will never be solved... ?(

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Joakim« (4. März 2008, 10:10)


Mittwoch, 5. März 2008, 17:15

RE: Covenant in Finland

:tongue: :tongue:
You are so right, its quite hilarius! Even in my household there is one saw, electric, very handy on
short distances.. and for unplugged action I can borrow one with gasmotor from my dad :tongue:
So maybe its not bad idea after all to know few useful (and calming) phrases of chainsaws when visiting in Finland! No, just a joke..!

Men snälla du! Dare I ask something about that new song we heard the other night? Or am I
totally wrong and it was new only to me? ( I wasn`t that drunk, just nicely relaxed.. ;)) Can you
tell anything about whats happening on music making area right now with Covenant? If not, its ok too. I can wait.
Patience is my middle name. Not! But one can alwys ask, and hope . 8)

Now what was it, that killed the cat..curiosity..or was it chainsaw..? :D

Anyways, thank you for answering to me at all, I very much appreciate it!


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »azurblau« (5. März 2008, 19:36)


Freitag, 7. März 2008, 12:25

RE: Covenant in Finland

The "new" song we played in Helsinki is called "Get On" and it has been performed a few times before, at least once...

We just spent a few days in the studio, mostly to talk about our demos and ideas and see how Daniel comes into the equation. It's not so easy for Daniel to enter a working relationship that has been going on for 15 years, especially not since he's used to be the only creative force in his own projects. He works very fast, we work extremely slow. He uses a laptop, we use a huge amount of different machines. He prefers certain software, we like others.

It may seem trivial, music is music, right? But with electronic music it's different. The sounds and the production techniques all influence the actual music a lot.

I can't say if "Get On" will survive the selection process or if the album will sound anything like it but work has begun in earnest now. We're just as excited as everybody else! :)


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Freitag, 7. März 2008, 20:30

RE: Covenant in Finland


Original von Joakim
He works very fast, we work extremely slow.

Oh, no problem! Just tell him to work on a remix while Eskil and you discuss the sound of a *pleng* for a day or two. ;)

This way we will have a whole remix album coming out one month after the next studio album! :D

And remember, Daniel as a German is fine with imperatives! :D Here's a nice selction for you guys: "Slow down!" - "Do what you're told!"- "Buy us some beer if you're bored!" - "We're still not sure about this *pleng* sound so produce a haujobb album or two until we finished the discussion!"

Sorry - I know, I'm such a meanie! :lol: ;)

Or I could join the round and produce a Black Metal album with Daniel as a leisure activity for him - I was told I grunt like an army of Uruk-Hai after a bottle of Jägermeister. ;)


Samstag, 8. März 2008, 23:27

RE: Covenant in Finland

@Niggels: That Jägermeister-stuff is pure bottled trouble, I say! :tongue:

@Joakim: Sounds like exciting times are ahead! It must be sometimes very hard to combine
different visions of strongwilled people in to one outcome, but I am sure that you can make it
work just fine being such long-term professionals and friends. :-]
So, I keep hanging around here for some news and updates and wish you all good times working. :perfekt:

And, again, thanks for reply Joakim, You are such a peach ! ;)

PS. I love your lyrics in 20hz, for some reason they take me back to Berlin every time I listen that song. :cool:


Sonntag, 9. März 2008, 16:47

@Niggels: so, will we hear you grunt like an Uruk-Hai in Duisburg then? ;)


Sonntag, 9. März 2008, 18:59

RE: Covenant in Finland


Original von Joakim
The chainsaw thing came up when Eskil googled useful phrases in Finnish and found this:

"Laita moottorisaha sivulle, en halua sinulle mitään pahaa!"

(it means something like: "put down the chainsaw, I mean you no harm")

Hilarious! :tongue:

(...) How can there be so many trees left in Finland when everybody has excessive amounts of cutting tools?

You guys are crazy! It's so funny to read that kind of stories! :tongue:


Original von Niggels
"Buy us some beer if you're bored!" - "We're still not sure about this *pleng* sound so produce a haujobb album or two until we finished the discussion!"

Great ideas! :D *dafür*

Does anyone know the setlist?


Sonntag, 9. März 2008, 22:05

monochrome long
20hz pgr
get on
invisible & silent
the men longer
we stand alone
ritual noise
call the ships to port extended

improv with daniel and joakim

happy man
theremin club
dead stars


Montag, 10. März 2008, 18:45

very cool setlilst :o


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Montag, 10. März 2008, 19:44

Whoa! 8o :perfekt:

My favourite opener ever - Monochrome! Cool!

A new song! Cool!!

Storm again in the setlist! Cool!

Theremin back in the setlist! Cool!

And apparently some jamming! Cool!


Montag, 10. März 2008, 20:27

Thanks for the setlist, Herr Myer!!
It is very cool indeed, Storm and Figurehead.. :perfekt: :-]
And 20hz, naturally :D



Dienstag, 11. März 2008, 00:17

I would love to see this. 8o


Originally posted by Daniel Myer
improv with daniel and joakim

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