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Mittwoch, 26. März 2025, 08:33 UTC+1


Mittwoch, 7. März 2007, 17:35

Covenant Russia Tour

In the second half of April Covenant will tour the Russian Federation for 10 shows.

14.04.2007 Megacenter RU-Kaliningrad
15.04.2007 Gorod RU-Moskau
17.04.2007 Ibiza Club RU-Volgograd
18.04.2007 Machine Head RU-Saratov
19.04.2007 Aura RU-Samara
20.04.2007 Ogni Ufa RU-Ufa
21.04.2007 PV RU-Ekaterinburg
23.04.2007 Kapkan RU-Novosibirsk
25.04.2007 tba RU-Perm
27.04.2007 Red Club RU-St. Petersburg




Beiträge: 514

Wohnort: Hamburg

Beruf: stud.iur.

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Donnerstag, 8. März 2007, 00:59

RE: Covenant Russia Tour

...and the Russians will be quite thankful as they don´t have the club-culture and that many festivals as we´re used to ... (apart from Moscow).

And I really would like to take part in this tour, as 1. I want to visit Russia for several years now and 2. I wouldn´t have to wait that long for the next
covenant-gig (as the orkus-tour won´t take place this march).

@Covenant-Crew: You forgot to book a "Fachkraft für Veranstaltungstechnik"
( I mean a "rigger") ; or let´s do the VNV Nation-thing: I´m an ex-drummer with
"band-experience" and I would like to do the Mark-Jackson-Job (let´s make Covenant more ´instrumental´, yeah!). ;)
"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)


Sonntag, 25. März 2007, 17:11

...and the Russians will be extremely thankful, i think. ;-) but i would like to say that they, the Russians, do have club-culture, though not so old and not so big, perhaps, as in Europe, of course. ;-)

as for me (concerning the Covenant's tour this April)... i've waited for Covenant's concerts so long, and i personally would be happy to see this excellent trio on stage in St.Petersburg. :rolleyes:
inter deum et diabolum semper musica est



Beiträge: 514

Wohnort: Hamburg

Beruf: stud.iur.

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Mittwoch, 28. März 2007, 23:02

Yes, that would be interesting to see Covenant in St. Petersburg - a town that is worth several visits.

btw: I do know that you have a club-culture in Russia (esp. in the big cities);
I only meant that this genre of music (dark wave, future pop etc.) is not that big.
As far as I know your techno/house/dance-scene is huge (as it is in many countries of the former soviet bloc) whilst in the EC it is already a bit old-fashioned.
"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)


Donnerstag, 29. März 2007, 04:10


Originally posted by Evolutz
btw: I do know that you have a club-culture in Russia (esp. in the big cities);
I only meant that this genre of music (dark wave, future pop etc.) is not that big.
As far as I know your techno/house/dance-scene is huge (as it is in many countries of the former soviet bloc) whilst in the EC it is already a bit old-fashioned.

There's also some really amazing experimental/drone stuff coming out of Russia too, if you like that kind of thing...



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Montag, 2. April 2007, 16:45

I did find a 74 minute mix of older Covenant from a dj Pitch Black (I think) from Russia. I so wish that I could see Covenant in Siberia because I have an old college friend from there.
Loneliness is a Slow Poison


Mittwoch, 18. April 2007, 11:43


Originally posted by Evolutz
Yes, that would be interesting to see Covenant in St. Petersburg - a town that is worth several visits.

thank you :rolleyes:

it remains a few days up to this concert and i count every one of them. :-)) the time drags on so-o-o-o slowly. ;-) it will be the last gig in this Russian mini-tour, and it will be my very first Covenant concert. so, i'm a bit impatient. ;-)


btw: I do know that you have a club-culture in Russia (esp. in the big cities);
I only meant that this genre of music (dark wave, future pop etc.) is not that big.
As far as I know your techno/house/dance-scene is huge (as it is in many countries of the former soviet bloc) whilst in the EC it is already a bit old-fashioned.

yes, i've meant exactly the same.

please, forgive me my delay with the answer (and my English :) ). :-)
inter deum et diabolum semper musica est


Donnerstag, 19. April 2007, 02:18

I really really really wanted to take a mini vacation in St. Petersburg and catch the last show... but alas, no. :\ I would love to see them in a totally different setting than the US/NYC. NYers are kinda mellow concert goers...


Donnerstag, 19. April 2007, 07:24


Originally posted by erichazannI would love to see them in a totally different setting than the US/NYC. NYers are kinda mellow concert goers...

San Diego-ers... urmmm... San Diegans, maybe? Anyway they too tend to be kind of mellow I noticed, compared to my stomping grounds here in Texas. Er, no pun intended. :rolleyes:

As far as different setting, I *can* say that in Poland they put on the same calibre of professionalism (even while sauced on Polish Vodka like the audience! :D :P) that they do in the States. There are definite cultural differences within showgoing, etc though. Which I like.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »ilex011« (19. April 2007, 07:26)


Dienstag, 24. April 2007, 18:08

Oh! Show in Novosibirsk was AMAZING!!

It was the best concert in my life!!

and I took 2 photos with them! I'm happy!!

You can't image how this concert is important and joyfully for girl from small Siberian town... :rolleyes:


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Mittwoch, 25. April 2007, 18:55


Original von Plastificator
Oh! Show in Novosibirsk was AMAZING!!

It was the best concert in my life!!

and I took 2 photos with them! I'm happy!!

You can't image how this concert is important and joyfully for girl from small Siberian town... :rolleyes:

Very cool! I'm glad for you and everybody in Siberia to have such a rare concert experience! The only other western Electro/Industrial band I ever heard to tour Siberia was Nitzer Ebb back in 1991.


Mittwoch, 25. April 2007, 21:17


Originally posted by Niggels


Original von Plastificator
Oh! Show in Novosibirsk was AMAZING!!

It was the best concert in my life!!

and I took 2 photos with them! I'm happy!!

You can't image how this concert is important and joyfully for girl from small Siberian town... :rolleyes:

Very cool! I'm glad for you and everybody in Siberia to have such a rare concert experience! The only other western Electro/Industrial band I ever heard to tour Siberia was Nitzer Ebb back in 1991.

Oh, yes.. but in 1991 I was only 3 years old :D
But i hope many others enjoyed it ;)


Montag, 14. Mai 2007, 10:18

i'm afraid my English is not so good to express all my feelings and emotions after the concert in St.Petersburg. ;-) but i would like to say that for me this concert was a "dreams come true"-concert. and this show was really really great, even in spite of the fact that the sound in the club was bad (i'm very sorry that the people in this club couldn't make all necessary to avoid these problems with the sound :(), especially in the beginning. and it's a pity that Joakim was absent...

i'm greatful to Eskil from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful show. and especially for "Der Leiermann". :rolleyes: i couldn't even hope that i would hear this very version of one of my favourite songs. thank you sooo much! :-)

and i hope to see Covenant on stage in SPb again in the future. :rolleyes: :)
inter deum et diabolum semper musica est


Montag, 14. Mai 2007, 12:49

I was very sad too that I had to leave the Russian adventure in Novosibirsk. Even if this was the most exhausting tour we ever did - the schedule really was murderous - it was also one of the most exciting.

Russia has always had a strong, exotic attraction to me. It's like a slightly altered reality: everything is more or less familiar, but at the same time completely different. It's easy for a Swedish person to relate to the Russian mentality on the surface but as you spend some time there you start to realize that it goes much deeper, the history and the turbulence is right there, here, now. In a much more profound way than in Sweden or in Western Europe in general.

Next time I hope we will have more time in each city. A few hours of frantic power-sightseeing hardly gives justice to any place. I would love to learn more about this enigmatic country. And enjoy the warm hospitality of the "real" people. A quick glance - especially in Moscow or St Petersburg - gives the impression of a hard, pragmatic, relentlessly proceeding culture. But there is also genuine warmth. You get the feeling of being welcome in a way that I haven't felt anywhere, except perhaps in the Middle East.

And about the sound issues: last time we played at Red Club the system wasn't the best either. But the local crew was super-competent. Just like they seem to be everywhere in Russia. If you compare the Russian venues to similar venues in the USA the difference is appalling. If you have a problem the Russians will fix it. They identify the problem, bring out the tools and fix it. No matter what. In the US the crew would have to be found, drive for 2 hours to some shop, return and say they couldn't find what they needed, light up a joint and sit down watching you tear your hair from your head.

So all honour to Russian in-house crews!


Dienstag, 15. Mai 2007, 08:03


Original von Joakim
If you compare the Russian venues to similar venues in the USA the difference is appalling. If you have a problem the Russians will fix it. They identify the problem, bring out the tools and fix it. No matter what. In the US the crew would have to be found, drive for 2 hours to some shop, return and say they couldn't find what they needed, light up a joint and sit down watching you tear your hair from your head.

So all honour to Russian in-house crews!

I hope I will be reborn in my next life as a member of an American in-house crew...
All things considered, insanity is the only reasonable alternative.


Dienstag, 15. Mai 2007, 11:22


Original von Joakim
I was very sad too that I had to leave the Russian adventure in Novosibirsk. Even if this was the most exhausting tour we ever did - the schedule really was murderous - it was also one of the most exciting.

"murderous" was exactly that word which has occured to me when i'd seen the schedule of the tour, 'cause i'd imagined at once the distances between the cities, and i was horrified: every evening on stage, then a plane or a train to the next city, in the evening on stage again, then a plane or a train again, and so on... honestly, i was even afraid that the concert in my beloved home city (the last gig in this tour) would be cancelled. and i wouldn't be surprised at it, but... of course, i would be really upset... i know, it sounds, perhaps, a bit egoistic for my part. :rolleyes: but i really would like to see you in SPb, so i've continued to cross my fingers till the very day of the concert. ;-)

i'd read the News at your Official Homepage and i'd already known that Clas wouldn't take part in this tour, but when i've seen that you are absent too, i was a bit shocked and i've thought immediately "what could happen?" :rolleyes: and i'm really really glad to see that you're ok. :-)

i'd like to thank you again for your music and for these concerts in Russia, and i'd like to express my hopes that in the future you will visit Russia with concerts again. the three of you. :-) you - Covenant - are really special. :-)


Russia has always had a strong, exotic attraction to me. It's like a slightly altered reality: everything is more or less familiar, but at the same time completely different. It's easy for a Swedish person to relate to the Russian mentality on the surface but as you spend some time there you start to realize that it goes much deeper, the history and the turbulence is right there, here, now. In a much more profound way than in Sweden or in Western Europe in general.

i'm afraid, that the acuteness of perception of "alive history" becomes a bit dull, when someone itself live in the country. ;-) i mean, you live here every day, you see, what occurs in the country every day, and perceive all this naturally. and you simply don't notice much of those moments, which would be noticed by a person with a, so to say, fresh point of view. :rolleyes: i take the big interest in the history and culture of Sweden and Germany, and i can assume, that my impressions (if i will be able some day to visit these countries) would be quite similar to yours. :rolleyes:


Next time I hope we will have more time in each city. A few hours of frantic power-sightseeing hardly gives justice to any place. I would love to learn more about this enigmatic country. And enjoy the warm hospitality of the "real" people. A quick glance - especially in Moscow or St Petersburg - gives the impression of a hard, pragmatic, relentlessly proceeding culture. But there is also genuine warmth. You get the feeling of being welcome in a way that I haven't felt anywhere, except perhaps in the Middle East.

as the Russian person, and, besides, too emotional one :-), i can say that to receive dear visitors warm-heartedly is perhaps national character trait. :-)) and how can it be in another way?.. :-)


And about the sound issues: last time we played at Red Club the system wasn't the best either. But the local crew was super-competent. Just like they seem to be everywhere in Russia. If you compare the Russian venues to similar venues in the USA the difference is appalling. If you have a problem the Russians will fix it. They identify the problem, bring out the tools and fix it. No matter what. In the US the crew would have to be found, drive for 2 hours to some shop, return and say they couldn't find what they needed, light up a joint and sit down watching you tear your hair from your head.

So all honour to Russian in-house crews!

i feel a bit ashamed :sch:, but i have a couple of words for my justification. ;-) the matter is that i visit Red Club from time to time and i know, that usually there is all quite good with the sound. so i was almost sure, that there wouldn't be any technical problems during the concert of Covenant. perhaps because of that i was a little bit disappointed. not by the concert itself, but by the technical side of the matter. :-)
inter deum et diabolum semper musica est

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