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Freitag, 7. März 2025, 04:00 UTC+1


Dienstag, 17. Oktober 2006, 04:37

San Francisco setlist:

Tour De Force
Invisible and Silent
The Men
We Stand Alone
Ritual Noise
Brave New World
Happy Man
Call the Ships to Port
Dead Stars
One World One Sky

And you can listen to streaming audio from this show for the next two weeks here:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Kyron5« (18. Oktober 2006, 03:26)


Dienstag, 17. Oktober 2006, 21:32

Thanks Sharon! Sounds like a great set.

Does anyone else have setlists I could add into my tourbook for Mika?


Freitag, 20. Oktober 2006, 19:45


Original von erichazann
Does anyone else have setlists I could add into my tourbook for Mika?

I wrote a pm to you ;)


Freitag, 20. Oktober 2006, 22:26

Thanks! got it M.

I wanted to thank everyone for their help and contributions.. I have not been so active on the board lately because I've been trying to get this together. In the end, I only ended up getting a small portion printed properly and the cover done. but it looks *good*. I will finish when I get back, but what I have, it should be enough to get autographed.


My luggage arrives in San Antonio today!

I've already broken down crying to 3 baggage claim agents, and I finally left the airport after 2 hrs of waiting for my bag. I'm sure they thought "I have somehting that needs to be autographed by my friend's favorite band in there.. oh and she's in a coma... oh and they are playing their last US tour date tonight" sounded like I made it up.

I have everything I need in there.. all my makeup too -- thanks to the no liquids rule on planes :( I can't believe I worked 89238942390232309 hrs on this, to possibly have it all go to waste. I know, I could have much bigger problems... and in comparision to what mika is going through, this is nothing. But right now I am so very pissed off and sad.

It's supposed to be on a flight that arrived an hour ago, but it has not yet been scanned at the airport and they said they would rush it to my hotel... but if you see me at the show in blue jeans and t-shirt and, god forbid, FLAT SHOES.. you'll know it didn't get here.


Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2006, 01:17


Originally posted by erichazann
Thanks Sharon! Sounds like a great set.

Does anyone else have setlists I could add into my tourbook for Mika?

I posted the set list for the Tempe show in mt Tempe AZ Show post.
Fave bands (no particular order): Covenant, VNV Nation, Imperative Reaction, Funker Vogt, God Module, Backandtotheleft, Assemblage 23, more to be added once I get around to it. Oh and Covenant was put first since of course, this is the Covenant forum.


Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2006, 01:42

erichazann, please keep us posted! You now have me sitting on the edge of my seat, biting my nails. 8o

I have small bits of video (each about 20 sec long, maybe even less) fron the Brooklyn show. They're not the greatest, but they're *something* at least… I would love to send them to your friend as well.


Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2006, 15:58

yes! i got my luggage and managed to get the book signed by everyone! it is no where near completion, so contributions are stillwelcome. i dont know what i can do with video tho.. perhaps we can just all put them on youtube. the bands, of course, were real sweet. i will post a full update later. i am still recovering. I got in to NY last night and went straight to a party in brooklyn (same outskirts-of-civilization neighborhood as 3rd ward). then got home and went straight to bed and still dont want to get out of bed!!!

im anxious to hear about mexico tho!


Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2006, 23:39

I was at the San Francisco show and I have to say it was the best Covenant show I have ever been to!!! It was also quite exciting to get to go backstage after the show and meet the guys! They signed my LE Skyshaper booklet as well! I owe Ted from Imperative Reaction and Dave from Metropolis Records big time for getting me that bracelet! Joakim seemed annoyed with some sound difficulties after their performance, but I assured him that from where we were it was a wonderful show! Hope I don't have to wait 3 more years for another show!

I also got to meet the guys in Rotersand and have my CD insert signed by them as well! All in all, it was a weekend to remember - what with VNV on Friday and then Covanant on Sunday! I have to give big kudos to Rotersand and Imperative Reaction as well. It was Rotersand's first ever US appearance and they put on one hell of a show! Can't wait to see them again! Imperative Reaction is always fun to watch and I am looking forward to seeing them again when they headline their own tour in February.

Probably going to have to miss KMFDM/Combichrist this weekend... too many great shows. not nearly enough money! :( Hope all is well with the girl who was missing, has anyone heard anything yet???
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this

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