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Montag, 8. Mai 2006, 12:25

Covenant - London 07.05.06

First here's the setlist:

Like Tears In The Rain
The Men
We Stand Alone
Ritual Noise
Brave New World
Call The Ships To Port
Happy Man
Dead Stars

EDIT: and somwhere in between was Theremin!!

What I can say as a first review is, that the mood of the audience was great at some places and the concert was amazing! The Location was great and the sound too! :-]

Clas has been back at the show.
Following there's been an After Show Party in a Club near the Carling Academy.
Eskil has been there too (of course) and I've been totally drunken (and I guess he thought that was funny). :sch:

I'll report more when I'm recovered.
And I'll start working on the pics in the next days. But it will take some time until they're uploaded.
I shot about 400 photos of Covenant and a few others of the support acts. :rolleyes:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Marishka« (8. Mai 2006, 18:26)



Beiträge: 514

Wohnort: Hamburg

Beruf: stud.iur.

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Montag, 8. Mai 2006, 17:55


nice to read .... the setlist is quite the same one as the setlist they had in Lahr.
"I myself am pursueing the same instinctive course as the veriest human animal you can think of - I am however young, starring at particles of light in the midst of great darkness." (John Keats)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Evolutz« (8. Mai 2006, 17:55)


Montag, 8. Mai 2006, 18:02

The setlist was great, but as I told Eskil too, it was just way to short and Babel was missing! :!:
I'd loved to hear that song so very much!! :(

Oh! Mistake, mistake!
I totally forgot that they did Theremin! But I can't remember when... :sch:


Montag, 8. Mai 2006, 19:37

Here a few first photos of the show. The rest should be on my website at the end of the week.



Beiträge: 250

Beruf: Operational Risk Consultant - professional pessimist / rational optimist ?

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Dienstag, 9. Mai 2006, 13:19

BRILLIANT pics - as ever petal :o)

Glad you had a brilliant time at the show and the aftershow party - it was lovely to get a chance to meet you.

Hugs and flowers

Niki xxxxx
Falling out of cars and playing in traffic.


Dienstag, 9. Mai 2006, 18:44

Thank you vey much!
I also ejoyed our talks and fun very much! I hope we'll see us again very soon!
And thanks for the compliment for my pics. The rest will be online at the weekend I guess.

*hugs back*


Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2006, 00:37

My pic of the show are now online.
The pics of the support acts and the after show party will come tomorrow, I guess.


Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2006, 01:45

I'm a Happy Man

Fantastic Show, much, much better than at the Mean Fiddler in 2003.
Think I pissed Eskil off by voicing my objections about Happy Man a little too vocally at the bar in Elektrowerkz after the show though (Too much alcohol!!!) So apologies if you read this.
Surprised, and delighted, to hear Theremin too.


Freitag, 26. Mai 2006, 12:42

And here's the group-picture of the "Covenant-Fans-London-Community-Crew" (or something like that *g*)


Freitag, 26. Mai 2006, 14:20


Originally posted by Marishka
And here's the group-picture of the "Covenant-Fans-London-Community-Crew" (or something like that *g*)

Who's who? Not everyone has their name across their chest :D Btw, where did those shirts come from? I saw you posted something in a german thread, but I didn't really get it.


Freitag, 26. Mai 2006, 14:36


Original von erichazann


Originally posted by Marishka
And here's the group-picture of the "Covenant-Fans-London-Community-Crew" (or something like that *g*)

Who's who? Not everyone has their name across their chest :D Btw, where did those shirts come from? I saw you posted something in a german thread, but I didn't really get it.

I don't know all the names, but the woman in the white dress (with black cross) is our LadyKomachi (Niki) and the guy with the covenant-shirt is our phoenix70 (Oliver)
Maybe Niki and Oliver can help me with the names. :sch:

Regarding my shirt:
this is unique. I went to a print shop and 3 hours later I had my shirt ;)


Montag, 5. Juni 2006, 00:55

I was at the gig... Pride and Fall were OK.. their last song pumped a bit and I was wondering why Covenant put on such a reasonable band as support... they might eclipse Covenant... OH was I wrong...

Covenant came on and rocked the place... song after song was pumping...

The sound in the venue was not that good at the back.. a bit low (as I mentioned before) So me and my mates positioned ourselves right infron to the speakers... and we were blown away.. Covenant enveloped our beings...

As for Happy Man... whats wrong with the song.. its a very nice little song.. so bleak and depressing... bloody brilliant..

But some drunk muppet was hassling the band at the bar bitching about it... well would you take advice from a drunk muppet ?!?

All in all a FANTASTIC Covenant gig..


Montag, 5. Juni 2006, 01:05


Original von Grommit
All in all a FANTASTIC Covenant gig..

And there's nothing left to say for me! :perfekt:



Beiträge: 250

Beruf: Operational Risk Consultant - professional pessimist / rational optimist ?

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Montag, 5. Juni 2006, 23:53

Who's who? Not everyone has their name across their chest :D Btw, where did those shirts come from? I saw you posted something in a german thread, but I didn't really get it.[/quote]
I don't know all the names, but the woman in the white dress (with black cross) is our LadyKomachi (Niki) and the guy with the covenant-shirt is our phoenix70 (Oliver)
Maybe Niki and Oliver can help me with the names. :sch:

Ok then :D :D

Top Left to right: Rob, Ali, Lorna, Pheonix70, Tarynn.
Bottom left to right: Me, Marishka and lovely young lady from Finland.

Hope that helps.

Hugs and flowers
Falling out of cars and playing in traffic.


Dienstag, 6. Juni 2006, 00:06


Original von LadyKomachi


Original von Marishka


Original von erichazann
Who's who? Not everyone has their name across their chest :D Btw, where did those shirts come from? I saw you posted something in a german thread, but I didn't really get it.

I don't know all the names, but the woman in the white dress (with black cross) is our LadyKomachi (Niki) and the guy with the covenant-shirt is our phoenix70 (Oliver)
Maybe Niki and Oliver can help me with the names. :sch:

Ok then :D :D

Top Left to right: Rob, Ali, Lorna, Pheonix70, Tarynn.
Bottom left to right: Me, Marishka and lovely young lady from Finland.

Hope that helps.

Thanks a lot Niki!! :perfekt:
*hugs & kisses*

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Marishka« (6. Juni 2006, 00:07)

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