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Freitag, 8. April 2005, 14:45

Covenant @ SAMA 2005

Covenant will headline this year's SAMA Festival on May 13, 2005 in Gothenburg/SE on the "Garden stage".


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »covenant_girl« (13. April 2005, 12:31)



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Freitag, 8. April 2005, 15:20


I've heard some rumors about this.. *happy*

Would have gone to sama anyway, it's a tradition by now, but it's nice to have a really good reason :)
As the moment elapsed, we walked in slowmotion.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »gayk« (8. April 2005, 15:21)


Samstag, 9. April 2005, 18:38

I´m sure you´ll have plenty of fun :)


Montag, 11. April 2005, 12:30

I am looking very much forward it :)



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Freitag, 6. Mai 2005, 14:15

Less than 10 days left to the occasion...

Covenant is playing quite early, 21.20, on the new outdoor stage. The weather here in Göteborg is ok, but it's still not warm at that time of the day. But I guess that when you stand in the front row surronded by people you're quite happy for a breath of cool air...

So who's gonna be there?
As the moment elapsed, we walked in slowmotion.


Freitag, 6. Mai 2005, 15:06

I´ll be there. And that garden stage it´s not totally outside. So it shouldn´t be a problem ;)


Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2005, 14:07

well, as you might have figured out i wont make it this time :(



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Samstag, 14. Mai 2005, 12:19

I'm sad to say that I didn't really enjoy the show that much..
It was a bit to early in the evning, should have been darker, and I didn't like the stage...

The new songs sounded ok, but it wasn't the same "wow"-feeling as when I heard Call the ships to port for the first time in arvika a couple of years ago.

And just when it started to get better, they had to close the stage :P
As the moment elapsed, we walked in slowmotion.


Montag, 16. Mai 2005, 14:15

RE: Covenant @ SAMA 2005

I've just recently moved to Sweden and was fortunate enough to be able to catch Covenant live at SAMA this past weekend. I want to say that, despite a few small technical issues in the beginning, they were the highlight of my entire evening at SAMA and I stayed until the last band left the stage. Covenant kicked off their set with " Shelter" (a great introduction) and played a lot of other familiar tracks that i've never seen live back in the states (i think a few were slightly remixed or tweaked as well). the crowd went absolutely insane over the music... it sounded fantastic over the loudspeakers and the band themselves seemed to be in great spirits, smiling and dancing around!

One more thing,.. The new songs possessed a lot of energy, hard beats and one or two had robotic voices and this really got the crowd moving... I can't wait for the Skyshaper album to hit the streets now that Ii've experienced a couple of those songs performed live!! thanks for a great show guys... you really made the party worth while for us!

all the best, Jason


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Montag, 16. Mai 2005, 16:34

Just got the setlist from Black_Cat via SMS (she´s still on her way back home).

1. Intro/Shelter
2. 20Hz (new song)
3. Brave New World (new)
4. Superluminal
5. Consumer
6. Beat The Noise (new)
7. Stalker (909)
8. Call The Ships To Port (remix)

What a bloody great setlist! A bit short but what a great selection! They did! And Superluminal!?

Apparently there was no encore due to lack of time. Shame!


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Niggels« (16. Mai 2005, 16:42)


Montag, 16. Mai 2005, 20:07

For me it was rather disappointing, cause I´m not a Superduper Fan and that means I only knew the last two tracks. But the crowd enjoyed the show and I´ve seen great gigs with Saft and Melotron!
And of course Howard Jones was great fun.



Dienstag, 17. Mai 2005, 08:43


Original von gayk
I'm sad to say that I didn't really enjoy the show that much..
It was a bit to early in the evning, should have been darker, and I didn't like the stage...

The new songs sounded ok, but it wasn't the same "wow"-feeling as when I heard Call the ships to port for the first time in arvika a couple of years ago.

And just when it started to get better, they had to close the stage :P

I must say that I did like the outdoor stage a lot. Yes, sure, it was a bit too light. And due the regulations of the park, the stage had to close at 10. And Covenant was a bit late so they couldn´t play the planned encore. Sadly. I liked the new songs a lot. BUt it´s true... the song they played during Mera Luna last summer was cooler ;) Anyway... they played some songs I´ve never heard live (Superluminal... Yeeeees!) and a cool new Stalker Live version :)

Pics will follow of course :)


Dienstag, 17. Mai 2005, 08:45


Original von Niggels
Just got the setlist from Black_Cat via SMS (she´s still on her way back home).

Thank you for posting it :)
All missed the encore, but there was nothing to do about it.


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Dienstag, 17. Mai 2005, 18:27

any idea which song(s) were planned for the encore?


Dienstag, 17. Mai 2005, 22:20

Only 1 song was planned.... Dead Stars or One World, One Sky ;)



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Dienstag, 17. Mai 2005, 22:43

Dead stars would have been great!

But yeah, it was really nice hearing superluminal and consumer live..
Sadly, the rest of the crowd didn't seem to know them too well so
the rest of the crowd was a bit to laid back.
As the moment elapsed, we walked in slowmotion.


Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2005, 09:07

I think that songs might only be something for die hard fans ;)


Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2005, 12:58

I think all people who attended this show should feel very very lucky for having the chance to do so. Exclusive shows like this happen rarely...
Does anyone know if the whole performance -or parts of it- has been recorded -to be displayed at the website, let's say? That would be super!!

Do you recall? Do you dream?


Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2005, 15:54

Unfortunately we did not record it. Maybe we should have.

Anyway, the idea of that show was to do something different. We didn't see the point of making yet another Covenant-by-numbers show at SAMA. After all we've done that several times before. When the promoters asked us to play we were very reluctant but then we decided to make a low-key, small-scale appearance. Less pretentious and no big flashy lights, videoscreens, smoke oceans etc. And we wanted to play things we normally never do.

I'm sorry that some people (like Gayk here) found it disappointing. We ourselves were very pleased with having the opportunity to make this kind of performance. At our level you rarely get the chance to make experiments and take risks. Fees are high, crowds are large and the promoters as well as the audiences expect us to make grand, flashy and impressive shows and make everyone jump up and down to our greatest hits.

Sometimes a show like SAMA last Friday is a lot more fulfilling from a musician's point of view.


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Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2005, 17:28

Hi Joakim! :)


Original von Joakim
Sometimes a show like SAMA last Friday is a lot more fulfilling from a musician's point of view.

And for some fans too. ;) Actually one of the Covenant shows I didn´t enjoy as much as usual was an appearance at the Zillo festival years ago which was really Covenant by numbers with a setlist with the big hits only. Although there were more reasons why didn´t enjoy it as I should like technical problems and some personal reasons (including a hangover :lol: ).

I really do look forward to the next Club tour because that´s where Covenant live is at its best. Flashy lights, vids, and a long setlist that allows big hits and some more obscure tracks as well. ;)

The shame is that I couldn´t make it to SAMA. :(

Best wishes,

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