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Sonntag, 23. November 2003, 07:39


Originally posted by Otherwise
Thank you all for the replies, you are great! :perfekt:
I have a -maybe dense- question to -rather- german members (mostly to Covenantgirl): the online german recordshops, for example, are only deliver only inside Germany, or they can deliver international ? And in other hand: VISA or other bank-card is needed, or the postal-addresse is enough ? Sorry for my poor knowledge about this.

I myself recently purchased a CD from (their UK site) and was able to use my Visa card and have it shipped here to the USA internationally. I must compliment them, it was fast, and even with the shipping charge, it was cheaper than it would have been if I had tried to purchase it as in import from a store over here... that's all, just thought I'd share on that thought.

now, as to the purpose of this thread originally, there's not much I can say that hasn't already been said, so I will simply say that Covenant are amazing, and are able to take the music and make it alive, taking you to places mentally that you would not otherwise be able to reach. they truly create an experience as opposed to an album.



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Montag, 24. November 2003, 13:51


Originally posted by Otherwise
..... We are the only evil animals...

truly hmm, "humans are the only animal that becomes bored", and another "Idle hands are the Devils Play thingy...." (i cant remember the rest but ha its mostly there)

Hello all i am new here, as i am sure you can tell by my tinny post count... I firstly like Covenant for unknown reason's. let me say this covenant is truly the only band that i would ever considering singing along to, even i public i can't hold back... I think that say's something in itself, i think..

I firstly got into covenant because of their more Industrial/Ebm like early day's, i am passionate about most industrial music and infact had a hard time adjusting to this new quirk they have put forth in the last couple of album's, but now that i am here there is no turning back... slowly one by one i became obsessed with each and ever song on every single album.. beside cryo tank, i am yet to be graced with it's wonderful pleasure's.

Personally i feel that they have taken a step up from ebm.. and i am willing to follow them everywhere they go with it..

p.s Maybe Pop has a different meaning's in other countries but our "pop will eat itself". Covenant has not and will not...

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »mrdarq« (24. November 2003, 13:53)



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Montag, 24. November 2003, 13:59

(sorry for double posting)

p.p.s Covenant have amazing composition, and that is no pleb talking, I attempt to create a bit of my own ebm and have never come close to finding the truth and beauty behind their sequence.. And so on and so forth


Donnerstag, 27. November 2003, 18:00


Since this is my first post here (thanks Jenny for telling me about this place!) I thought I'd post about why I'm a fan.

I first heard Covenant on a goth/industrial/ebm show I used to listen to when I lived in Seattle and I liked them but never enough to really investigate it further. Later when I moved to Portland a dj friend of mine told me they were going to play with And One, another band that I kind of knew, and that I should check it out.

So check it out I did and it is still one of the best shows I have ever seen of the 70+ concerts I've attended! It was in this tiny little crappy "theatre" and we were all packed in there like sardines (thinking back that show was a death trap waiting to happen) and the thing I was most taken with was how these 3 really regular looking guys could produce this enormous, pulsating sound that could make the crowd bounce and jump as one huge mass. An hour an half later I spilled out the front door and I've been a lover ever since.

For me, music has always been about how a band connects with their fans and I think it's obvious that the boys are so into electronic music themselves they know exactly what we as fans want from them. Beautiful arrangements, great lyrics, nice guys...what else could a fangirl want? :D
"Manchmal wünsch ich mir..."


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Montag, 22. Dezember 2003, 12:32

I love Covenant´s music because it´s exactly the kind of music I want to listen to.Simple as that. :D

I could elaborate more but some things might be hard to explain in words. :rolleyes:

The funny thing is that I know Covenant since their very first release and that I saw there first live appearance here in Germany but it took some time until I became a fan and not just someone who likes the odd song. :)



Montag, 22. Dezember 2003, 14:47 tell me the truth dont have much of a choise now do you :P :D :lol: :rolleyes:
Merry x-mas to you, you good ol`bastard :)

@ Mitzi.. have a good one sweety, and come round more often:) Kind of miss you.. :cry: :)


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Dienstag, 6. Januar 2004, 16:45

Oh, I should add one thing: Clas, Eskil and Joakim are the nicest guys I have met in the music biz.
Well, this doesn´t affect my opinion about their music (even if they were complete assholes I´d still like the music, I guess :lol: ) but surely does affect my willingness to go to as many Covenant shows as time and money allows. You´re never alone at a Covenant show! :)

But it´s really hard to put your finger on why you like or dislike something when it comes to art and music.



Dienstag, 6. Januar 2004, 16:53


But it´s really hard to put your finger on why you like or dislike something when it comes to art and music.

It´s all about the feelings you have when you listen to the music ;)


Mittwoch, 7. Januar 2004, 16:31


Originally posted by Black_Cat


But it´s really hard to put your finger on why you like or dislike something when it comes to art and music.

It´s all about the feelings you have when you listen to the music ;)

I agree!!!...but I must add the fact that I like their whole suits image as well.....they can learn u about ties..;);) :lol: lol(as sandriam use to say;) }
....all I need is everything..........................

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »cursee« (8. Januar 2004, 00:57)


Freitag, 7. Mai 2004, 10:35

I don't know if is this the most right topic to share my experiences, but I need to write it. It's about Europa album. After a long await, I got this album last week. Before, I heard only max 20 secs long Real-reviews of the songs, and I read some reviews here and other pages. Everyone agreed that this album is the most deep, least easy-listening album of the guys, but I was optimist considering my devotion to the other genuine albums of Covenant. When I got and put the CD to the player, and listened it first time, a very disappointed sentence was my reaction: "WHat the SHIT is this??" The only song that I liked from the first time was "I Am", but none of the others. I was very disappointed. I thought that the Wall of sound is an annoying childsong, for instance.
That had been my opinion for some days. But then I listened to it much more time, and then there was my "enbrightment". I found something interesting in every song time-by-time, and I realized that I repeated to listened Wall of sound more then a hour. It's a brilliant song. And this can be said about the whole album. I love Riot, Leviathan, and Wind of the north also, all of them are masterpiece.
I still don't know why haven't I liked them from the first time, but I think this is the evidence of the uniquity and greatness of this album. It's harder to adjust, but its deep and mesmerizing. A great work!!! Thanx guys for it!!!

Other: Last weeks I got acquanted with VNV Nation. They are great, but Covenant is far far better. Ronan's voice is good, but I think something is missing from VNV. Maybe the wellworking trinity of Covenant. There should be "a Clas" in VNV also, who "tastes the stew", and add or reduce. There are a lot of songs where Ronan's vocal is absolutely fade to the background, sometimes it's really unnecessary. That's never occured with the Covenant songs I know.

Thats all, thanx your time.


...even if it hurts...



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Freitag, 7. Mai 2004, 11:35

In 1996 I was at a friends place and he played some music that I really liked, it was Statemachine - Avalanche Breakdown. I asked to borrow it and he said that he had another record I should have and then he handed me Covenant - Sequencer. I loved it from the first time I listened to it and when someone asks me about my favourite CD I always say Sequencer.

Then in the beginning of 1997 they played at the Hellfireclub/kompaniet in Göteborg. My first live experience of Covenant, this was before they started wearing the suits, but sadly enough also after the plasticbag-era :D But anyway, after that experience there was no turning back. Small club, small stage, lots of people and Edge of dawn live.. *goosebumps*

And today I got a card signed by Clas and Joakim! :D
As the moment elapsed, we walked in slowmotion.


Sonntag, 16. Mai 2004, 22:43

Why do you like roses or blue skies or the sun ...

I like Covenant because the music sounds good. The programming, beat and vocals are to my liking ... Dark without being over dramatic.
Please visit Electro Culture magazine at ... Electrocute your senses!!! All things Electro!!!


Montag, 17. Mai 2004, 21:30

Re: Why do you like Covenant?

I was always fascinated of electronic music.... I listened to Eurotechno crap when I was about 9 years old and drove all people around me mad :)
When I grew older, I was very disappointed because of the meaningless lyrics and the "Party, Party" concept of all this dance stuff. Now I'm 15 and about 1 1/2 years ago I read an interview with Covenant in the German music production magazine "KEYS" (mainly about technical issues). I didn't really know what kind of music they made, but somehow I had the feeling that that was the kind of music I was looking for. Then I downloaded some MP3s from the internet (from "Northern Light")... The music blew me away, especially "We Stand Alone". In the next three months I bought all five LPs and got into the older stuff very quickly.. Now I'm listening to nearly nothing except Covenant since that time and every week I have another favourite song or album...
So it was the electronic sounds and melodies what brought me to Covenant , but the lyrics fascinated me as well. They just intuitively hit me and they seemed to describe my very own feelings and thoughts (as "Otherwise" already explained) although they were not always easy to understand in my opinion.

I hope I didn't make you fall asleep with this long post...
I dive to drown

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »homer jay« (17. Mai 2004, 21:31)


Dienstag, 18. Mai 2004, 00:29

RE: Why do you like Covenant?


Originally posted by homer jay
I hope I didn't make you fall asleep with this long post...

Don't worry,you didn't. :)
Actually I'm going through the same thing as you, buying albums at an alarming rate, hardly listening to anything else at the moment. I like electronic music too, but have had trouble finding stuff that I can relate to and really like, with two brilliant exceptions - Gary Numan and NIN - who I love. With Covenant the "duo" has become a "trio".

I like that most of the songs are in a minor key, the heavy, beefy sounds, bouncy pumping rythms, lyrics with actual content that make you think a bit, that you can dance to practically any track (I'm not too cracy about "regular" dancemusic), and the voice, oh, the voice. And lets not forget their appearence on stage in those gorgeous suits with Eskil as the ringmaster, Clas backing him up with that energy and cute smile of his and Joakim going wild with the vocoder. (OK, so I've had a minor religious experience this week - shows at KB and Tivoli -, bear with me :D ) When they're enjoying themselves, they show it. Somehow they manage to combine darkness and melancholy with joy in a way that suits me perfectly.
now escape the grip of good old common sense
and trust yourself for reaching further on


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Dienstag, 18. Mai 2004, 07:36

RE: Why do you like Covenant?


Original von homer jay
Now I'm 15 [snip...]

Whohaa, so you must be one of the younger fans! :) I guess most Covenant fans are in their mid-20s, and some (like me :lol: ) are even older.
It´s always great to see teens appreciating good music instead of listening to the crap from casting shows or some odd boy- or girlgroup. ;)
When I was 15 I listened to Depeche Mode all the time. WHat a great time! That was 1985/86... :sch:



Dienstag, 18. Mai 2004, 09:22

RE: Why do you like Covenant?

Somehow it is really fascinating how people get into the stuff of Covenant. My sister was joining me for last year´s Woodstage festival where Covenant were playing too. She never knew anything of the band and than she was blown away from the live appearance of the three guys. When we were back home, first thing she did was bying some of the albums. I think there is a new fan now ;)


Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2004, 23:33

I have gotten alot of the younger crowd (17-21) that hangs out at the coffee shop where i do readings listening to covenant and colony 5 and apop b... they had never even heard music like it before i played it for them!!!
"Together we are what we can't be alone" - Dropkick Murphy's, a punk bank from Boston, Massachusetts, USA
"What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger" - Resilience, a hardcore punk band from Santa Rosa, California, USA
"As our ashes turn to dust, we shine like stars" - Gee, I wonder who said this


Samstag, 22. Mai 2004, 01:24

Well, there are some people in my age who are listening to "alternative" music, but I know no-one who likes ELECTRONIC "alternative" music....
I dive to drown


Samstag, 22. Mai 2004, 08:39

Hallo im new here to. so hallo again.

ive been a covenant fan for about four years now . im 20 now. I first covenant when i bought a music mag with a sample CD on the front and it had one world one sky on it. My music taste was slowley changing from metal to more industrial and electronic listening to heaps of NIN Rammstein KMFDM and Manson (but found myself enjoying the remixes more than the albums). when i first heard Covenant i was working on a resort island real summer fun. i was chilling on a beach by my self listening to the discman and the thumping soothing sounds of covenant started to pour in my ears and as soon as eskils voice chanted into the song the only lyrics of "ONE world ONE sky" my entire body turned to pudding,. it cost me a packet to import the USof mind but it was well worth it.

i saw them live for the first time 4 weeks ago and it was the greatest live show i have ever seen, it was completely life changing. The stage the smal crowd the Uninhibited dansing, a pulsing light show and a TRIPLE encore wow. and then covenant coming to the after party at the only goth club we have in are tiny city. wow. me and my mate got to have a beer with Clas and a great chat about many things, and got to personally thank eskil for coming to play for us. but to top it all off eskil played a massive set for us and coming down to dance with the 12 or so people on the dance floor until the wee hours of the morning thats true passion for the music.

I have yet to hear a electronic band that even comes close to the amazing sounds of covenant. i will forever be a fan and my new goal in life is to see them live again.

i was also shocked to see how much eskil smoked at the after party i didnt see him without a smoke in his hand. how doas he keep such a hypnotic voice???

thats why i love covenant
"Its not a revolution unless you can dance to it"
Eskil Simonsson


Samstag, 22. Mai 2004, 14:07

Welcome, Pagan_potato! :)

Reading your post totally brings back memories from the last two weeks (concerts in south Sweden). :perfekt: I hope you get to see them many more times.
now escape the grip of good old common sense
and trust yourself for reaching further on

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