Original von erichazann
I guess if it looks different it's because the top one is smaller and a lot of the detail is lost.
I was inspired by your South Park.. I wanted to make something cuter and funnier like that...
Originally posted by erichazann
Wow. Thanks for all the kind words guys & chicas! But do you think I got the eye colors right? It's really hard to tell from photos and the Synergy video. Eskil was the easiest, but in the end I added a bit of an aquamarine color that I saw in some of the newer pics -- but it could just be the lighting. For Clas I went with slightly greenish grey and Joakim, sort of a greeny hazel color.
Atma. Yes, I know.. this is not fine art It's totally just for fun.
But I like it because there is something challenging about making a portrait that actually resembles the person, but with highly stylized eyes and noses.. after you do that, you really only have the overall bone structure and mouths to work with to get it right.. I still tried to work a bit of detail into the eyes & eyebrows tho. Clas already has very anime ish eyes, very wide open so I made his bigger.. and Joakim, kinda has what Tyra Banks best described as "bedroom sleepy eyes", so I made his a little droopier. Eskil, has sort of normal shaped eyes, so I went with the standard "hero" anime eye... everything is still more exaggerated than what is normal for adult men in manga tho.
There are probably some tech probs in proportions and in the feet & perspectives, but I left it all for a less serious look... and to just finally get it finished!!
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »kleineRatte« (19. Januar 2007, 14:30)