Originally posted by Grommit
I really wanted this to be discussed in the German area as it gets more traffic and I was intrested in what the German People thought about it..
But you edited it and put 2 threads into the English area and not much is happening..
I think the single is weak and bland
I am a MASSIVE Covenant fan...
I am very disapointed with the new versions of BNW.. they all lack oomph and strength!....
I really hope to God that Covenant are not trying to take the same path as VNV Nation and try to subdue and popify their music to try and please the uneducated masses.
Look where that got VNV Nation..!?!? ( Matter and Form) VNV Nation are now playing Little Night Clubs in London to make a living.. far cry from the festivals they headlined..
Now this BNW single is sounding bland and lifeless.. I was bored of it .. I had to put on the album version to remember how good the song really was before it got POP MUSZAKED to death ..
I hope they get back on form for the next single and give us the POWER they are famous for ...
I love Covenant
POP Muzak is the stuff they play in supermarkets and lifts