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Freitag, 7. März 2025, 03:26 UTC+1


Montag, 12. November 2007, 01:32

why do you not finish one game and buy than a new one? :tongue:


Originally posted by ilex011
Resident Evil 3 being Nemesis? Great game. Nemesis as a bad guy is really creepy.

Actually I never entirely finished the game- the disk skipped right on the last boss battle, so I'm about 10 or 15 minutes away from completing it... :mauer:

Code Veronica is fun too. But (surprise surprise) I haven't finished that one either.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »d_h« (12. November 2007, 01:45)


Montag, 12. November 2007, 03:26


Originally posted by d_h
why do you not finish one game and buy than a new one? :tongue:

Because there are so many good games out there to discover and play! I tend to meander from game to game... eventually they might get finished...

And also because it's good to put something down when you hit a wall with it. Go back to it after giving it a rest. You know how concentrating so hard on something makes you lose perspective sometimes. It's important to remember to zoom out.

I'll play Metroid and then get stuck, so I'll say "Argh, screw this, I'm going to go play WindWaker!" then get stuck on WindWaker, then I'll say "Argh, screw this, I'm going to play Katamari!" then get stuck on Katamari, then go back to Metroid and finish the level I was stuck on (eureka!), etc, ad infinitum...


Sonntag, 18. November 2007, 07:09

tonight is Red Dead Revolver, Downhill Domination, Tekken Tag Tournament

hm, lots of alliteration...


Montag, 3. Dezember 2007, 08:41

Cheerfully abusing The Prince of Persia...

(Sands of Time)



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Montag, 3. Dezember 2007, 15:02


Originally posted by ilex011
Cheerfully abusing The Prince of Persia...

(Sands of Time)

Beware the glitchy badness! Save separate files whenever possible. And good luck! My fave was the after that one.

I've been using Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition as stress therapy some evening. It's all about the headshots. :-]
All you got is this moment
Twenty-first century's yesterday
You can care all you want


Montag, 3. Dezember 2007, 23:52


Originally posted by lushmachine
I've been using Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition as stress therapy some evening. It's all about the headshots. :-]

And avoiding chainsaws. :-]


Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2007, 07:12


Originally posted by lushmachine


Originally posted by ilex011
Cheerfully abusing The Prince of Persia...

(Sands of Time)

Beware the glitchy badness! Save separate files whenever possible. And good luck! My fave was the after that one.

I've been using Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition as stress therapy some evening. It's all about the headshots. :-]

Glitches for PS2? Gahhh! Good to know.

I sooo covet your RE on the Wii... indeed, it truly is about the headshots. :-]


Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2007, 07:13


Originally posted by michelem31


Originally posted by lushmachine
I've been using Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition as stress therapy some evening. It's all about the headshots. :-]

And avoiding chainsaws. :-]

Can you *wield* a chainsaw in the game? I'd love that.


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Samstag, 8. Dezember 2007, 12:39

Oomph! - Feiert das Kreuz


Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2007, 20:33

Metroid original, and Metroid Pinball. Went to Nintendo World in NYC. Ahhhhh. I feel like such a little kid. :D


Montag, 10. Dezember 2007, 04:03

Destroy All Humans for PS2. Got it today. So much fun!


Samstag, 15. Dezember 2007, 20:40

NFS Pro Street and Halo 2 for PC... So much fun...
Never go never let me go...

Visit My Space


Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2007, 03:55

Harvest Moon- GC

im in yr forum, dominatin yr video game threadz


Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2007, 08:12

Harvest Moon: It's a Wonderful Life- GC

No it ISN'T a goddamn wonderful life... my sheep is sick, the quiet, bookish girl I wanted to marry won't have anything to do with me and the town floozy who is dumb as a box of hammers and works at the town bar keeps chatting me up. I still don't have anything to till the earth with so I can plant these tomato seeds... wait, do tomatoes even grow in winter? Uh-oh. I'm so screwed. And I wanted to make it through ONE game lately without cheating at all... :(


Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2007, 13:21

...I played Harvest Moon on the DS. What I found really annoying about it was to always pet and brush your animals - that left scratches in my touch screen :-( ....But I was close to marry the mermaid (whom else *gg*).
And that game has a bug - whenever you send your imps fishing in winter you gain 10,000,000 (whatever the currency was called).

Well, so now I'm playing "Zelda - Phantom Hourglass" and wait for the PC version of "Assassin's Creed"....
To know your ruling passion, examine your castles in the air


Montag, 24. Dezember 2007, 07:03

You got to marry a mermaid? I'm jealous- I shacked up with some vacant half-wit who does nothing but chirp "Hee hee! I'm so sleepy!" and "I'm finished with the housework for the day!"... god what my character wouldn't give for some stimulating conversation. At least she popped out a son to inherit my pathetic, barren wasteland of a farm.

The sheep died, the cow died, I have four tomato plants, and my farm hand just bought a horse. The horse's days are probably numbered too. But I did figure out I can fish, so at least I'm now eating something other than Mugwort.

And yet I play this wacky game! But it's on the Game Cube, not the DS. I was interested in it for the DS though. But the brushing of animals reminds me a little of Nintendogs, which I HATED. I traded it with someone for Animal Crossing for the DS which I love. I just thought Nintendogs was really boring. And I felt really stupid yelling my dog's name into the DS. "BIGSLEY! COME HERE BIGSLY! BIGGGG-SLYYYYYYY!!!! Come HERE you mo :schimpf: :!: :mauer: :schimpf: ucking dog!!!"

Anyway, yes. Harvest Moon is much more fun. If you have AC:WW we should trade friends codes.


Montag, 24. Dezember 2007, 07:06

one more thing about Harvest Moon...

I am TRYING to abstain from cheat codes. ONE game, no cheat codes, as I mentioned. So I will ask here. Ivory, how do I get the animals to go OUT of the barn and INTO the pasture for sunshine, grazing, and brushing? And can I ride my horse outside?


Montag, 24. Dezember 2007, 15:45

I didn't marry the mermaid... i read i have to fish a message in a bottle to propose marriage to her.
You have to push your animals to move them - but I think that is really annoying and takes a lot of time, so I always leave my animals inside the barn.
And you can ride your horse whereever you want.... but i prefer buying the teleport necklace... bracelet? whatever it was. The horse won't stay at the place where you left it, so i never used it.
And save the game before you go to bed, rest and watch the forecast the next morning. If a storm is forecast, then load the last savegame.... if it's not impossible in the Gamecube version.
And actually your animals should get happier even without going out of their barn - at least mine do so.
To know your ruling passion, examine your castles in the air


Montag, 24. Dezember 2007, 21:22

Ends up I can ride my horse all over town. This is a good thing- it was taking forever to traipse around on foot. Don't know if my version has a teleporter bracelet- I just started the game. Most of the time is spent fishing lately and helping the archaeologist with his dig.


Freitag, 28. Dezember 2007, 00:48

I would love to see you playing "Nintendodogs" with a distance of 15-20 m ....did you ever throw your Nintendo? :tongue:


Originally posted by ilex011
...... I just thought Nintendogs was really boring. And I felt really stupid yelling my dog's name into the DS. "BIGSLEY! COME HERE BIGSLY! BIGGGG-SLYYYYYYY!!!! Come HERE you mo :schimpf: :!: :mauer: :schimpf: ucking dog!!!"

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